Solutions for Separations
A listing of general articles, research papers and patents by Munir Cheryan. For convenience and to make the search easier, they have been grouped by application or industry:
- Plant Proteins
- Soybeans
- Sunflower
- Dry beans (Phaseoulus vulgaris L.)
- Corn proteins (zein)
- Bioactive peptides/Protein Hydrolyzates
- Dairy Technology
- Corn Refining and Processing
- Vegetable Oils
- Fermentation, Bioreactors and Downstream Processing
- Organic Acids
- Ethanol
- Membrane Technology
- Books
- General topics, Reviews and Overviews
- Membranes with organic solvents
- Process Design
- Pervaporation
- Electrodialysis
For multiple applications, and to minimze duplicate listings, publications have been cross-referenced as follows:
(C) Corn Refining and Processing (D) Dairy Technology (E) Ethanol (OS) Organic solvents and membranes |
- Cheryan, M. "Vegetable protein isolates and concentrates by ultrafiltration." In Ultrafiltration Membranes and Applications, edited by A.R. Cooper, Plenum Publishing Corp., NY, 1980. p.343-352
- Soybeans
- Cheryan,M. "Mass transfer characteristics of the hollow fiber ultrafiltration of soy protein systems." J.Food Process Engineering 1: 269-287 (1977)
- Omosaiye,O., Cheryan, M. and Matthews, M.E. "Removal of oligosaccharides from soybean water extracts by ultrafiltration." J. Food Science 43: 354-360 (1978)
- Cheryan,M. and Schlesser,J.E. "Performance of a hollow fiber system for ultrafiltration of aqueous extracts of soybeans." Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technologie 11: 65-69 (1978)
- Cheryan,M., McCune,T.D., Nelson,A.I. and Ferrier,L.K. "Preparation and properties of soy-fortified cereal weaning foods." Cereal Chem. 56: 548-551 (1979)
- Omosaiye,O. and Cheryan,M. "Low-phytate, full-fat soy protein product by ultrafiltration of aqueous extracts of whole soybeans." Cereal Chemistry 56: 58-62(1979)
- Omosaiye,O. and Cheryan,M. "Ultrafiltration of soybean water extracts: Processing characteristics and yields." J.Food Sci. 44: 1027-1033(1979)
- Lah,C.L. and Cheryan,M. "Protein solubility characterisitics of an ultrafiltered full-fat soybean product." J. Agric. Food Chem. 28(5): 911-916 (1980)
- Lah,C.L., Cheryan,M. and DeVor,R.E. "A response surface methodology approach to the optimization of whipping properties of an ultrafiltered soy product." J. Food Sci. 45(6): 1720-1726, 1731 (1980)
- Lah,C.L. and Cheryan,M. " Emulsifying properties of a full-fat soy protein product produced by ultrafiltration." Lebensm.-Wiss.u.-Technol. 13(5): 259-263 (1980)
- Cheryan,M. "Phytic acid interactions in food systems." CRC Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 13(4): 297-335 (1980)
- Nichols,D.J. and Cheryan, M. "Production of soy isolates by ultrafiltration:Process engineering characteristics of the hollow fiber system." J. Food Process. Preserv. 5(2): 104-118 (1981)
- Nichols,D.J. and Cheryan, M. "Production of soy isolates by ultrafiltration: Factors affecting yield and composition." J.Food Sci. 46(2): 357-361 (1981)
- Nichols,D.J. and Cheryan,M. "Dairy and vegetable protein blends by co-extraction and co-processing." J. Food Sci. 47(2): 486-490 (1982)
- Shih,S.C., Cuevas,R., Porter, V.L. and Cheryan,M. "Inactivation of B. stearothermophilus spores in soybean water extracts at ultra-high temperatures in a scraped-surface heat exchanger." J. Food Protection 45(2): 145-149 (1982)
- Cuevas.R. and Cheryan, M. "Inhibidores de trypsina en alimentos a base de soya: Cinetica de destruccion termica y metodos de analisis." Arch. Latinoam. Nutr. 33(4): 902-931 (1983)
- Cheryan,M. "Application of membrane processing in the soy protein industry." In Soybean Research in China and the United States, edited by B.J.Irwin, J.B.Sinclair and W.Jin-Ling, International Agriculture Publications, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1983. pp 102-107
- Boison,G.,Taranto,M.V. and Cheryan,M. "Extrusion of defatted soy flour-hydrocolloid mixtures. Effect of operating parameters on selected textural and physical properties." J.Food Technology 18: 719-730 (1983)
- Cheryan,M., Anderson,F.W. and Grynspan,F. "Magnesium-phytate complexes: effect of pH and molar ratio on solubility characteristics." Cereal Chem. 60(3): 235-237 (1983)
- Grynspan,F. and Cheryan,M. " Calcium phytate. Effect of pH and molar ratio on in vitro solubility." JAOCS. 60(10): 1761-1764 (1983)
- Rajor, R.B. and Cheryan,M. "Khoa-like product from soybean and milk solids." In Soybean Processing and Utilization in India, edited by N.Ali, A.P.Gandhi and T.P.Ojha, Central Inst. Agr. Eng., Bhopal, India. 1988. p. 364-366.
- Grynspan, F. and Cheryan, M. "Phytate-calcium interactions with soy protein." JAOCS. 66: 93-97 (1989).
- Krishna Kumar, N.S., Cheryan, M. and Yea, M.K. "Soy protein concentrates by ultrafiltration". J.Food Sci. 68: 2278-2283 (2003).
- Krishna Kumar, N.S., Cheryan, M. and Yea, M.K. “Ultrafiltration of soy protein concentrate: Performance and modelling of spiral wound and tubular polymeric modules”. J.Membrane Sci. 244: 235-242 (2004).
- Sunflower seeds (Helianthus annus)
- Saeed, M. and Cheryan, M. "Sunflower protein concentrates and isolates low in polyphenols and phytic acid." J. Food Science 53: 1127-1131, 1143 (1988).
- Saeed, M. and Cheryan, M. "Binding of chlorogenic acid to sunflower proteins." J. Agric. Food Chem. 37(5): 1270-1274 (1989).
- Cheryan, M. and Saeed, M. "Ultrafiltration method of studying binding of ligands to macromole-cules." J. Food Biochem. 13:289-316 (1989)
- Dry beans (Phaaseoulus vulgaris L.)
- Deshpande,S.S. and Cheryan,M. "Changes in phytic acid, tannins and trypsin inhibitory activity on soaking of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)". Nutrition Reports International 27: 371-377 (1983)
- Deshpande,S.S., Sathe,S.K. and Cheryan,M. "In vitro protein digestibility of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) protein concentrates." Nutr. Rept. Internl. 27(5): 931-936 (1983)
- Deshpande,S.S. and Cheryan,M. "Effect of selected processing operations on antinutritional components of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) ". In Research in Food Science and Nutrition. Volume 1, edited by J.V.McLoughlin and B.M. McKenna, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, Barking,Essex, UK. 1983. p.92-93.
- Deshpande,S.S. and Cheryan, M. "Effects of phytic acid, divalent cations and their interactions on alpha-amylase activity". J.Food Sci.49: 516-519, 524 (1984)
- Deshpande,S.S. and Cheryan, M. "Preparation and anti-nutritional characteristics of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) protein concentrates." Qualit. Plantarum/Plant Foods and Human Nutrition. 34: 185-196 (1984)
- Deshpande,S.S. and Cheryan, M. "Evaluation of vanillin assay for tannin analysis of dry beans." J. Food Science. 50: 905-910 (1985)
- Deshpande, S.S. and Cheryan, M. "Microstructure and water uptake of Phaseolus and winged beans." J.Food Sci. 51: 1218-1223 (1986)
- Deshpande,S.S., Cheryan, M. and Salunkhe,D .K. "Tannin analysis of food products". CRC Critical Reviews Food Sci. Nutr.24(4): 401-449 (1986).
- Deshpande,S.S. and Cheryan,M. "Water uptake during cooking of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)." Qual.Plant./Plant Food Hum.Nutr. 36: 157-165 (1986)
- Deshpande, S.S. and Cheryan, M. "Determination of phenolic compounds of dry beans using vanillin, redox and precipitation assays." J. Food Sci. 52: 332-334 (1987)
See Corn Refining and Bioactive Peptides section for more papers on plant proteins |
- Cheryan,M. "Improvement of functional properties of protein." Cereal Foods World 24 (7): 272-273 (1979)
- Cheryan,M. and Deeslie,W.D. "Production of protein hydrolyzates in ultrafiltration-enzyme reactors." In Ultrafiltration Membranes and Applications, edited by A.R.Cooper, Plenum Pub. Corp., NY, 1980. p.591-602
- Deeslie,W.D. and Cheryan,M. "Continuous enzymatic modification of proteins in an ultrafiltration reactor." J. Food Sci. 46(4): 1035-1042 (1981)
- Deeslie,W.D. and Cheryan,M. "A CSTR-Hollow Fiber system for continuous hydrolysis of proteins. I. Performance and kinetics." Biotechnol. Bioeng. 23(10): 2257-2271 (1981)
- Deeslie,W.D. and Cheryan,M. "A CSTR-Hollow Fiber system for continuous hydrolysis of proteins. II. Factors affecting long-term stability of the reactor." Biotechnol.Bioeng. 24(1): 69-82 (1982)
- Cheryan,M. and Deeslie,W.D. "Soy protein hydrolysis in membrane reactors." J.American Oil Chemists Society (JAOCS) 60(6): 1112-1115 (1983)
- Cheryan,M. and Deeslie,W.D. "Protein Hydrolysis". U.S.PATENT #4,443,540 (April 17, 1984)
- Deeslie W.D. and Cheryan M. "Functional properties of soy protein hydrolyzates from a continuous ultrafiltration reactor." J.Agric. Food Chem. 36 (1): 26-31 (1988)
- (D) Mannheim, A. and Cheryan,M. "Continuous hydrolysis of milk protein in a membrane reactor." J.Food Science 55: 381-385,390 (1990)
- Kim, S.K., Byun, H.G. and Cheryan,M. "Continuous hydrolysis of cod skin gelatin in an ultrafiltration reactor (in Korean)." Korean J. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 6(3): 309-319 (1991)
- Deeslie,W.D. and Cheryan,M. "Fractionation of soy protein hydrolysates using ultrafiltration membranes." J. Food Sci. 57(2): 411-413 (1992).
- (C) Mannheim,A. and Cheryan,M. "Enzyme-modified proteins from corn gluten meal. Preparation and functional properties." JAOCS. 69: 1163-1169 (1992)
- (C) Mannheim,A. and Cheryan,M. "Water soluble zein by enzyme modification in organic solvents." Cereal Chemistry. 70: 115-121 (1993)
- Mehaia,M.A. and Cheryan,M. "Coagulation studies of ultrafiltration-concentrated skimmilk." Milchwissenschaft.38: 708-710 (1983)
- Cheryan,M. and Chiang, B.H. "Performance and fouling behavior of hollow fibre and spiral wound ultrafiltration units processing skimmilk." In Engineering and Food. Volume 1. Engineering Sciences in the Food Industry. edited by B.M.McKenna, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, London, UK. 1984. p.191-197.
- Chiang, B.H. and Cheryan, M. "Ultrafiltration of skimmilk in hollow fibers." J. Food Science 51: 340-344 (1986).
- Chiang, B.H. and Cheryan, M. "Modelling of hollow-fibre ultrafiltration of skimmilk under mass-transfer limiting conditions." J. Food Engineering. 6: 241-255 (1987).
- Pal, D. and Cheryan,M. "Membrane technology in dairy processing. Part I. Reverse osmosis." Indian Dairyman. 36 (6): 251-267 (1987).
- Pal,D. and Cheryan,M. "Membrane technology in dairy processing. Part II. Ultrafiltration." Indian Dairyman. 36 (8): 373-392 (1987)
- Pal, D. and Cheryan, M. "Application of reverse osmosis in the manufacture of khoa. Process optimization and product quality." J. Food Sci. Technol. 24: 233-238 (1987).
- Cheryan, M., Sarma, S.C. and Pal, D. "Energy considerations in the manufacture of khoa by reverse osmosis." Asian J. Dairy Research. 6 (3): 143-153 (1987).
- Cheryan, M.,Veeranjaneyulu, B. and Schlicher, L.R. "Reverse osmosis of milk with thin-film composite membranes." J.Membrane Science. 48: 103-114 (1990)
- Rajagopalan, N. and Cheryan, M. "Total protein isolates from milk by ultrafiltration: factors affecting product composition." J.Dairy Science. 74(8): 2435-2440 (1991).
- Rajagopalan,N. and Cheryan,M. "Process optimization in ultrafiltration. Flux-time considerations in the purification of macromolecules." Chem. Engr. Communications. 106: 57-69 (1991).
- Pafylias, I., Cheryan, M., Mehaia, M.A. and Saglam, N."Microfiltration of milk with ceramic membranes." Food Research International. 29: 141-146 (1996)
- Kailasapathy, K., Singh, N. and Cheryan,M. "Carrageenan-thickened milk base by ultrafiltration." Milchwissenschaft. 52 : 491-495 (1997).
- Rajor, R.B. and Cheryan,M. "Khoa-like product from soybean and milk solids." In Soybean Processing and Utilization in India, edited by N.Ali, A.P.Gandhi and T.P.Ojha, Central Inst. Agr. Eng., Bhopal, India. 1988. p. 364-366.
- Sawhney, I.K. and Cheryan, M. "Moisture sorption characteristics of a heat-desiccated whole milk product (khoa)." Lebensm.-wiss.u.-Technol. 21: 239-241 (1988).
- Merin,U. and Cheryan, M. "Factors affecting the mechanism of flux decline during ultrafiltration of cottage cheese whey." J.Food Process. Preserv. 4(3): 183-198 (1980)
- Cheryan,M. and Merin,U. "A study of the fouling phenomenon during ultrafiltration of cottage cheese whey." In Ultrafiltration Membranes and Applications, edited by A.R.Cooper, Plenum Pub. Corp., NY, 1980, p.619-630.
- Kuo,K.P. and Cheryan,M."Ultrafiltration of acid whey in a spiral-wound unit. Effect of operating parameters on membrane fouling." J.Food Sci.48(4):1113-1117 (1983)
- Cheryan, M. and Kuo, K.P. "Hollow fibers and spiral wound modules for ultrafiltration of acid whey. Energy consumption and performance." J. Dairy Sci. 67(7):1406-1413 (1984)
- Nichols,D.J. and Cheryan,M. "Dairy and vegetable protein blends by co-extraction and co-processing." J. Food Sci. 47(2): 486-490 (1982)
- Mehaia, M.A., Alvarez, J.and Cheryan, M. "Continuous hydrolysis of whey permeate lactose in a membrane reactor." Int. Dairy J. 3: 179-192 (1993).
- Mehaia,M.A. and Cheryan,M. "Treatment of casein micelles with soluble and immobilized neuraminidase: Implications in structure of the micelle." J. Dairy Sci. 66: 390-395 (1983)
- Mehaia,M.A. and Cheryan, M. "The secondary phase of milk coagulation: effect of calcium, pH and temperature on clotting activity." Milchwissenschaft 38(3): 137-140 (1983)
- Mehaia,M.A. and Cheryan, M. "Distribution of glyco-k-casein in bovine casein micelles: A study using soluble and immobilized proteases." J. Dairy Sci. 66: 2474-2481 (1983)
- Yang,C.S.T., Taranto,M.V. and Cheryan,M. "Optimization of textural and morphological properties of a soy-gelatin mozzarella cheese analog." J. Food Process. Preserv. 7: 41-65 (1983)
- Yang,C.S.T. and Cheryan,M. "Rheological properties of a pro-gel formed from a soy-gelatin mozzarella cheese analog." J.Texture Studies 14: 125-142 (1983)
See papers marked (D) in the Bioactive Peptides, Organic Acids and Ethanol sections for papers on converting cheese whey to industrial fuels and chemicals |
- Cheryan,M. "Membranes in corn refining." Corn Utilization Conference IV, St.Louis, MO. June 24-26, 1992.
- Sims,K.A. and Cheryan,M. "Continuous production of glucose syrup in an ultrafiltration reactor." J.Food Science. 57: 163-166 (1992)
- Sims, K.A. and Cheryan, M. "Continuous saccharification of corn starch in a membrane reactor. Part I: Conversion, capacity and productivity." Starch/Starke 44(9) 341-345 (1992).
- Sims, K.A. and Cheryan, M."Continuous saccharification of corn starch in a membrane reactor. Part II: Membrane performance and reactor stability." Starch/Starke 44(9) 345-348 (1992).
- Cheryan, M. and Escobar, J. "Improving ethanol production by membrane technology: The continuous saccharification reactor." Proceedings, First Biomass Conference of the Americas, Volume II, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. 1993. pp.1068-1077.
- Cheryan, M. "Corn refining in the 21st century: The role of membrane technology." Proceedings, The Membrane Conference on Technology/Planning, BCC Communications, Newton, MA. Oct. 17-19, 1994.
- Singh, N. and Cheryan,M. "Membrane applications in corn wet milling." Cereal Foods World. 42(7): 520-525 (1997).
- Singh, N. and Cheryan,M. "Membrane technology in corn refining and bio-products processing." Starch/Starke. 50 : 16-23 (1998)
- Singh, N. and Cheryan, M. "Microfiltration for clarification of corn starch hydrolysates." Cereal Foods World. 42(1): 21-24 (1997).
- Singh, N. and Cheryan, M. "Fouling of a ceramic microfiltration membrane by corn starch hydrolysate". J. Membrane Science 135: 195-202 (1997).
- Singh, N. and Cheryan,M. "Dextrose filtration using microfiltration membranes" In Advances in Filtration and Separation Technology, Volume 12. Edited by G.C.Chase, R.Herrera and K.L.Rubow, Amer. Filtration & Separations Society, Northport, AL. 1998. pp. 273-280. Also published in Fluid/Particle Separation Journal. 11:322-327 (1998)
- Singh, N. and Cheryan,M. "Properties of 95DE dextrose streams produced by microfiltration." J. Cereal Science. 27: 315-320 (1998).
- Singh, N. and Cheryan,M. "Performance characteristics of a ceramic membrane system for microfiltration of corn starch hydrolysate." Chemical Engr. Communications. 168:81-95 (1998).
- Singh, N. and Cheryan, M. "Process design and economic analysis of a ceramic membrane system for microfiltration of corn starch hydrolysate." J. Food Engr. 37: 57-67 (1998).
- Singh, N. and Cheryan, M. "Extraction of oil from corn distillers dried grains with solubles." Trans. ASAE. 41(6):1775-1777 (1998)
- Liaw,G.C., Lutz, E.H. and Cheryan, M. "Process for recovery of insoluble protein from steep water". U.S.PATENT 5,773,076 (June 30, 1998).
- Liaw, G.C. and Cheryan,M. "Process for recovery of protein from aqueous media in corn wet milling." U.S.PATENT 5,968,585 (October 19, 1999).
- Liaw, G.C., Cheryan, M. And Elmore, R.O. "Membrane filtration for thickening and starch washing in corn wet milling." U.S.PATENT 6,648,978 (Nov.18, 2003)
- Shukla,R., Tandon,R., Nguyen,M. and Cheryan,M. "Microfiltration of starch suspensions using a tubular stainless steel membrane." Membrane Technology (Elsevier). No. 120: 5-8 (2000)
- Rane,K.D. and Cheryan,M. "Membrane filtration of corn steep water." Cereal Chem.78:400-404 (2001)
- Cheryan, M. “Corn oil and dextrose extraction apparatus and method”. U.S.PATENT 7,481,890 (January 27, 2009)
- Cheryan, M. “Method and system for corn fractionation”. U.S.PATENT 7,569,671 (August 4, 2009).
- Cheryan, M. “Method and system for extraction of oil from corn”. U.S.PATENT 7,767,836 (August 3, 2010)
- Cheryan, M. “Method and system for corn fractionation”. U.S.PATENT 8,344,107 (January 1, 2013)
- Cheryan, M. “Method and system for corn fractionation”. U.S.PATENT 8,344,108 (January 1, 2013)
- Shukla,R., Cheryan,M. and Devor, R. "Solvent extraction of zein from dry-milled corn". Cereal Chem. 77: 724-730 (2000)
- Shukla,R. and Cheryan,M. "Zein: The industrial protein from corn." Industrial Crops & Products.13: 171-192 (2001)
- (E) (OS) Shukla, R. and Cheryan,M. "Performance of ultrafiltration membranes in ethanol-water solutions: Effect of membrane conditioning". J.Membrane Sci. 198: 75-85 (2002)
- (E) (OS) Shukla, R. and Cheryan,M. "Stability and performance of ultrafiltration membranes in aqueous ethanol." Sep. Sci. Technol. 38: 1533-1547 (2003)
- Kwiatkowski, J.R., Darnoko, D. and Cheryan, M. "Analysis of corn oil in ethanol miscella by gel permeation chromatography". J.Liq.Chromatog. & Rel.Technol. 25: 1379-1386 (2002)
- Kwiatkowski, J.R. and Cheryan, M. "Extraction of corn oil from ground corn using ethanol". JAOCS 79: 825-830 (2002).
- (OS) Kwiatkowski, J.R. and Cheryan, M. "Recovery of corn oil from ethanol extracts of ground corn using membrane technology.” JAOCS. 82: 221-227 (2005)
- (E) (OS) Kwiatkowski, J.R. and Cheryan, M. "Performance of nanofiltration membranes in ethanol”. Sep. Sci. Technol. 40: 2651-2662 (2005)
- Moros,E.E., Darnoko,D., Cheryan,M., Perkins,E.G. and Jerrell,J. "Analysis of xanthophylls in corn by HPLC". J.Agric. Food Chem. 50: 5787-5790 (2002).
- (E) (OS) Cheryan,M. "Method for extracting xanthophylls from corn". U.S.PATENT 6,169,217 (Jan. 2, 2001)
- (E) (OS) Tsui, E.M. and Cheryan, M. “Membrane processing of xanthophylls in ethanol extracts of corn.” J. Food Engineering. 83: 590-595 (2007)
- (E) (OS) Cheryan, M. "Corn oil and protein extraction method." U.S.PATENT 6,433,146 (Aug. 13, 2002)
- (E) (OS) Cheryan, M. “Method and system for extraction of zein from corn”. US Patent 7,045,607 (May 16, 2006)
- (E) (OS) Cheryan, M. “Method and system for extraction of oil from corn”. U.S.PATENT 7,148,366 (December 12, 2006).
- (E) (OS) Cheryan, M. “Methode d’extraction de pigments xanthophylles du mais/Method for extracting xanthophylls from corn”. CANADIAN PATENT 2,426,757 (December 19, 2006).
- (E) (OS) Cheryan, M. " Procede d’extraction d’huile et de proteine de mais/Corn oil and protein extraction method." CANADIAN PATENT 2,373,519 (Feb. 2, 2010).
- (E) (OS) Cheryan, M. “Method and system for extraction of oil from corn”. U.S.PATENT 7,767,836 (August 3, 2010).
- (E) (OS) Cheryan,M., Shane, P.L. and Arana, F. “Germ oil extraction with ethanol”. US Patent Application No. 2012/0141644 A1, June 7, 2012.
- Kale, A., Zhu, F. and Cheryan, M. “Rapid analysis of xanthophylls in ethanol extracts of corn by HPLC.” J. Liq. Chrom. & Rel. Technol. 30: 1093-1104 (2007)
- Kale, A., Zhu, F. and Cheryan, M. “Separation of high-value products from ethanol extracts of corn by chromatography.” Industrial Crops & Products. 26: 44-53 (2007)
- Zhu, F., Kale, A., and Cheryan, M. “Fractionation of zein by size exclusion chromatogra-phy.” J. Agric. Food Chem. 55: 3843-3849 (2007)
- Kale, A., Cheryan, M., Robinson, S. and MacLaran, S. “Surface structure of size exclusion chromatography stationary phase.” J. Microscopy. 227: Pt.2, 110-117 (2007)
- Kale, A. and Cheryan, M. “Size exclusion chromatography of zein and xanthophylls. Optimization of operating parameters.” Process Biochem. 44: 481-485 (2009)
- Cheryan, M., Kale, A.V., Zhu, F. and Shane, P.L. “Method and system for production of zein and/or xanthophylls using chromatography.” U.S.PATENT 8,236,929 (August 7, 2012)
- Cheryan, M. Kale, A.V., Zhu, F. and Shane, P.L. “Procede et systeme permettant de produire de la zeine et/ou des xantophylles par chromatographie/ Method and system for production of zein and/or xanthophylls using chromatography.” CANADIAN PATENT 2,651,583,( July 2, 2013)
See also Bioactive Peptides, Ethanol, Acetic acid, Lactic acid and Organic Solvents sections for more papers on corn processng marked (C) |
- (OS) Raman, L.P., Rajagopalan, N. and Cheryan, M. "Membrane technology (in vegetable oil processing)." Fats & Oils International (UK). 10 (6) : 28-38 (1994)
- (OS) Cheryan, M., Raman, L.P. and Rajagopalan, N. "Refining vegetable oils by membrane technology." In Developments in Food Engineering. Edited by T.Yano, R.Matsuno and K.Nakamura, Blackie Academic & Professional, Tokyo. 1994. pp.677-679.
- (OS) Raman, L.P., Cheryan, M. and N.Rajagopalan. "Solvent recovery and partial deacidification of vegetable oils by membrane technology." Fette Wissenschaft Technologie. 98(1): 10-14 (1996)
- (OS) Raman, L.P., Cheryan, M. and N.Rajagopalan. "Deacidification of soybean oil by membrane technology." JAOCS. 73: 219-224 (1996).
- (OS) Cheryan, M. "Membranes in vegetable oil processing: still a slippery road." Membrane Technology (International Newsletter,Elsevier). 79 : 2 (1996).
- (C) Singh, N. and Cheryan, M. "Extraction of oil from corn distillers dried grains with solubles." Trans. ASAE. 41(6):1775-1777 (1998)
- (OS) Kale,V., Katikaneni,S.P.R. and Cheryan,M. "Deacidifying rice bran oil by solvent extraction and membrane technology." JAOCS. 76(6): 723-727 (1999)
- (C)(OS) Cheryan, M. “Membrane technology in the vegetable oil industry”. Membrane Technology (International Newsletter, Elsevier). February: 5-7 (2005).
- (C)(OS) Kwiatkowski, J.R. and Cheryan, M. "Recovery of corn oil from ethanol extracts of ground corn using membrane technology.” JAOCS. 82: 221-227 (2005) .
- (C)(OS) Kwiatkowski, J.R. and Cheryan, M. "Extraction of corn oil from ground corn using ethanol". JAOCS 79: 825-830 (2002).
- (C) Kwiatkowski, J.R., Darnoko, D. and Cheryan, M. "Analysis of corn oil in ethanol miscella by gel permeation chromatography". J.Liq.Chromatog. & Rel.Technol. 25: 1379-1386 (2002).
- Darnoko,D., Cheryan,M., Moros, E., Jerrel,J. and Perkins,E.G. "Simultaneous analysis of palm carotenoids and tocopherols using C-30 column and photodiode array detector." J.Liq.Chromatog. & Rel.Technol. 23: 1873-1885 (2000).
- Darnoko,D., Cheryan,M. and Perkins,E.G. "Analysis of vegetable oil transesterification products by gel permeation chromatography." J.Liq.Chromatog. & Rel.Technol. 23: 2327-2335 (2000).
- Darnoko,D. and Cheryan,M. "Kinetics of batch transesterification of palm oil." JAOCS. 75: 1263-1267 (2000). This is the most cited paper in the Journal of American Oil Chemists (JAOCS) between 2000 and July 2017: Kenar, J.A., What's behind the numbes? Classic citations and more. JAOCS: 94:1129-130 (2017)
- Darnoko,D. and Cheryan,M. "Continuous production of palm methyl esters." JAOCS. 75: 1269-1272 (2000).
- Darnoko, D. and Cheryan, M. "Carotenoids from red palm methyl esters by nanofiltration." JAOCS. 83: 365-370 (2006)
- Artz,W.E., Kinyanjui, T. and Cheryan,M. "Solubility optimization of oil components in supercritical carbon dioxide." J. Food Lipids. 12: 91-102 (2005)
- Artz,W.E., Kinyanjui, T. and Cheryan, M. "Deacidification of soybean oil using supercritical fluid and membrane technology. JAOCS. 82: 803-808 (2005).
- Cheryan,M. and Deeslie,W.D. "Production of protein hydrolyzates in ultrafiltration-enzyme reac-tors." In Ultrafiltration Membranes and Applications, edited by A.R.Cooper, Plenum Pub. Corp., NY, 1980. p.591-602
- Kohlwey,D.E. and Cheryan,M. "Performance of a á-D-galactosidase hollow fiber reactor." Enzyme and Microbial Technology 3(1): 64-68 (1981)
- Deeslie,W.D. and Cheryan,M. "A CSTR-Hollow Fiber system for continuous hydrolysis of proteins. I. Performance and kinetics." Biotechnol. Bioeng. 23(10): 2257-2271 (1981)
- Deeslie,W.D. and Cheryan,M. "A CSTR-Hollow Fiber system for continuous hydrolysis of proteins. II. Factors affecting long-term stability of the reactor." Biotechnol.Bioeng. 24(1): 69-82 (1982)
- Cheryan,M. and Deeslie,W.D. "Soy protein hydrolysis in membrane reactors." J.American Oil Chemists Society (JAOCS) 60(6): 1112-1115 (1983)
- Cheryan,M. and Mehaia,M.A. " A high performance membrane bioreactor for continuous fermen-tation of lactose to ethanol." Biotechnology Letters. 5(8): 519-524 (1983)
- (E) Mehaia,M.A. and Cheryan,M. "Hollow fiber bioreactor for ethanol production: Application to the conversion of lactose by Kluyveromyces fragilis." Enz. Microbial Technol. 6: 117-120 (1984)
(E) Mehaia, M.A. and Cheryan, M. "Ethanol production in a hollow fiber bioreactor using Saccharomyces cerevisiae." Applied Microbiol. Biotechnol. 20: 100-104 (1984)
- (E) Mehaia, M.A. and Cheryan, M. "Ethanol production using membrane bioreactors. A comparison of membrane recycle and hollow fiber fermentors." In World Biotech Report, Vol.2, Online Publ., London,UK. 1984. p.A129-A140.
- (E) Cheryan, M. and Mehaia, M.A. "Ethanol production in a membrane recycle bioreactor. Conversion of glucose using Saccharomyces cerevisiae." Process Biochemistry 19(December): 204-208 (1984)
- (E) Mehaia,M.A., Cheryan,M. and Argoudelis, C.J. "Conversion of whey permeate to ethanol. Im-provement of fermentor productivity using synthetic membranes." Cultured Dairy Products J. 20(1): 9-12 (1985)
Cheryan, M. and Mehaia, M.A."Membrane bioreactors for high-performance fermentations." In Reverse Osmosis and Ultrafiltration, edited by S.Sourirajan and T.Matsuura, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. 1985. p.231-245.
- (E) Khorakiwala,K.H., Cheryan, M. and Mehaia, M.A. "Ethanol production in a membrane recycle bioreactor. Comparison of the performance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zymomonas mobilis." Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symp. 15: 249-261 (1985).
- Cheryan, M. and Mehaia, M.A. "Membrane Bioreactors." In Membrane Separations in Biotechnology, edited by W.S.McGregor, Marcel-Dekker, NY. 1986. p.255-301
- (E) Cheryan, M. and Mehaia, M.A. "Membrane bioreactors." CHEMTECH 16(11): 676-681 (1986)
- (E) Mehaia,M.A. and Cheryan, M. "Membrane bioreactors: A new approach to fermentation of agricultural and food processing wastes." In Perspectives in Biotechnology and Applied Microbiology, edited by D.I.Alani and M. Moo-Young, Elsevier Applied Sci. Publishers, London, UK. 1986. p. 287-294.
- (E) Cheryan, M. and Mehaia, M.A. "Continuous fermentations with membrane bioreactors." In Food Engineering and Process Applications. Volume 2: Unit Operations, edited by M. Le Mageur and P. Jelen, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, Barking, Essex, UK. 1986. p. 335-344.
- (E) Mehaia,M.A. and Cheryan,M. "Membrane bioreactors for bioconversion processes." Proc., National Seminar on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. General Directorate, Res. Grants Program, King Abdul Aziz City for Sci.Technol., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 1989. p. 147-160.
- Mehaia,M.A. and Cheryan,M. "Membrane bioreactors: enzyme processes". In Bioprocess and Food Engineering, edited by H.G. Schwartzberg and M.A.Rao, Marcel Dekker, New York. 1990. p.67-126.
- Sims, K.A. and Cheryan, M. "Cross-flow microfiltration of Aspergillus niger fermentation broth." Biotechnol. Bioeng. Symp. 16: 495-505 (1986)
- Patel P.N., Mehaia M.A. and Cheryan M. "Cross-flow membrane filtration of yeast suspensions." J. Biotechnology. 5: 1-16 (1987).
- Darnoko, D., Cheryan,M. and Artz,W.E. "Saccharification of cassava starch in an ultrafiltration reactor." Enz. Microbial Technol. 11(3): 154-159 (1989).
- Qureshi,N. and Cheryan,M. "Production of 2,3-butanediol in a membrane recycle bioreactor." Process Biochem. 24(5): 172-175 (1989)
Qureshi,N. and Cheryan,M. "Production of 2,3-butanediol by Klebsiella oxytoca." Applied Microbiol. Biotechnol. 30:440-443 (1989).
- Qureshi,N. and Cheryan,M. "Effects of aeration on 2,3-butanediol production from glucose by Klebsiella oxytoca." J.Ferment.Bioeng. 67(6):415-418 (1989).
- Qureshi,N. and Cheryan,M. "Production of 2,3-butanediol from glucose by Klebsiella oxytoca. Factors influencing its production and application of high-cell density continuous bioreactors." In Fermentation Technologies: Industrial Applications, edited by P.-L.Yu, Elsevier, Barking, UK. 1990. p. 362-365.
- Qureshi, N. and Cheryan, M. "Effect of lactic acid on growth and butanediol production by Klebsiella oxytoca". J.Indust. Microbiol. 4: 453-456 (1989).
- (E) Escobar, J.M., Rane, K.D. and Cheryan, M. "Ethanol production in a membrane bioreactor. Pilot-scale trials in a corn wet mill." Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 91-93: 283-296 (2001).
See also Ethanol, Acetic acid and Lactic acid sections for more on fermentation, biorectors and downstream processing. |
- Lactic Acid
- (D) Mehaia, M.A. and Cheryan, M. "Lactic acid from acid whey permeate in a membrane recycle bioreactor." Enzyme and Microbial Technology 8: 289-292 (1986)
- (D) Mehaia, M.A. and Cheryan, M. "Production of lactic acid from sweet whey permeate concentrates." Process Biochemistry 22 (6):185-188 (1987)
- (D) Mehaia, M.A. and Cheryan, M. "Immobilization of Lactobacillus bulgaricus in a hollow fiber bioreactor for production of lactic acid from acid whey permeate." Applied Biochem. Biotechnol. 14: 21-27 (1987).
- Zhang,D.X. and Cheryan,M. "Direct fermentation of starch to lactic acid by Lactobacillus amylovorus." Biotechnology Letters 13: 733-738 (1991).
- Zhang, D.X. and Cheryan, M. "Starch to lactic acid in a continuous membrane bioreactor." Process Biochem. 29 : 145-150 (1994)
- (D)Tejayadi, S. and Cheryan, M. "Lactic acid from cheese whey permeate. Productivity and economics of a continuous membrane bioreactor." Applied Microbiol. Biotechnol. 43: 242-248 (1995).
- (D)Tejayadi, S. and Cheryan, M. "Downstream processing of lactic acid-whey permeate fermentation broths by hollow fiber ultrafiltration." Applied Biochem. Biotechnol. 19: 61-70 (1988).
- Schlicher,L.R. and Cheryan,M. "Reverse osmosis of lactic acid fermentation broths." J.Chem. Technol. Biotechnol. 49:129-140 (1990)
- (D)Yen,Y.H. and Cheryan,M. "Separation of lactic acid from whey permeate fermentation broth by electrodialysis." Trans.Inst.Chemical Engrs.(UK). 69(Part C): 200-205 (1991).
- Yen, Y.H. and Cheryan, M. "Electrodialysis of model lactic acid solutions". J. Food Engineering. 20: 267-282 (1993)
- Bailly,M., Roux-de Balmann,H., Aimar,P., Lutin,F. and Cheryan,M. "Production processes of fermented organic acids targeted around membrane operations: Design of the concentration step by conventional electrodialysis." J. Membrane Sci. 191:129-142(2001).
- Acetic acid
- Parekh,S.R. and Cheryan,M. "Acetate production from glucose by Clostridium thermoaceticum." Process Biochem. 25(4):117-121 (1990)
- Parekh,S.R. and Cheryan,M. "Fed-batch fermentation of glucose to acetate by an improved strain of Clostridium thermoaceticum." Biotechnol. Lett. 12: 861-864 (1990).
- Parekh, S.R. and Cheryan,M. "Production of acetate by mutant strains of Clostridium thermoaceticum." Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol. 36: 384-387 (1991)
- Parekh, S.R. and Cheryan, M."Continuous production of acetate by Clostridium thermoaceticum in a cell-recycle membrane bioreactor." Enzyme and Microbial Technol. 16: 104-109 (1994).
- Parekh, S.R. and Cheryan, M. "High concentrations of acetate with a mutant strain of C. thermoaceticum." Biotechnol. Lett. 16: 139-142 (1994)
- Shah, M.M.and Cheryan, M. "Improvement of productivity in acetic acid fermentation by Clostridium thermoaceticum." Applied Biochem. Biotechnol. 51/52 : 413-422 (1995).
- Shah, M.M. and Cheryan, M. "Acetate production by batch and fed-batch fermentation with corn steep liquor media." J.Industrial Microbiol. 15: 424-428 (1995)
- Witjitra, K., Shah, M.M. and Cheryan,M. "Effect of nutrient sources on growth and acetate production by Clostridium thermoaceticum." Enzyme and Microbial Technol. 19(5): 322-327 (1996).
- Shah,M.M., Akanbi, F. and Cheryan, M. "Potassium acetate by fermentation with Clostridium thermoaceticum." Applied Biochem. Biotechnol. 63-65: 423-433 (1997)
- Han, I.S. and Cheryan, M. "Nanofiltration of model acetate solutions." J.Membrane Science. 107: 107 - 113 (1995).
- Han, I.S. and Cheryan, M. "Downstream processing of acetate fermentation broths by nanofiltration." Applied Biochem. Biotechnol. 57/58: 19-27 (1996)
- Cheryan, M. Parekh, S., Shah, M.M. and Witjitra, K. "Production of acetate by Clostridium thermoaceticum." In Advances in Applied Microbiology, Volume 3. Edited by S.L.Neidleman and A.I.Laskin. Academic Press, NY. 1997. pp. 1-33.
- Mehaia,M.A. and Cheryan,M. "Fermentation of date extracts to ethanol and vinegar in batch and continuous membrane reactors." Enzyme and Microbial Technol. 13: 257-261 (1991).
- Chukwu, U. and Cheryan, M. "Concentration of vinegar by electrodialysis." J. Food Science 61: 1223-1226 (1996)
- Chukwu, U. and Cheryan, M. "Electrodialysis of acetate fermentation broths". Applied Biochem. Biotechnol. 77-79: 485-499 (1999)
- Cheryan,M. "Acetic acid production". Encyclopedia of Microbiology, 2nd edition, Volume 1, Academic Press, NY. 2000. pp. 13-17.
- Katikaneni, S.P.R. and Cheryan,M. "Purification of fermentation-derived acetic acid by liquid-liquid extraction and esterification." Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 41: 2745-2752 (2002)
- Cheryan, M. "Acetic acid production". Encyclopedia of Microbiology, 3rd edition, Volume 1, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 2009, pp. 145-149
- (D) Cheryan,M. and Mehaia,M.A. "A high performance membrane bioreactor for continuous fermentation of lactose to ethanol." Biotechnology Letters. 5(8): 519-524 (1983)
- (D) Mehaia,M.A. and Cheryan,M. "Hollow fiber bioreactor for ethanol production: Application to the conversion of lactose by Kluyveromyces fragilis." Enz. Microbial Technol. 6: 117-120 (1984)
- Mehaia, M.A. and Cheryan, M. "Ethanol production in a hollow fiber bioreactor using Saccharomyces cerevisiae." Applied Microbiol. Biotechnol. 20: 100-104 (1984)
- Cheryan, M. and Mehaia, M.A. "Ethanol production in a membrane recycle bioreactor. Conversion of glucose using Saccharomyces cerevisiae." Process Biochemistry 19 (December): 204-208 (1984)
- (D) Mehaia,M.A., Cheryan,M. and Argoudelis, C.J. "Conversion of whey permeate to ethanol. Improvement of fermentor productivity using synthetic membranes." Cultured Dairy Products Journal. 20(1): 9-12 (1985)
- (D) Mehaia, M.A. and Cheryan, M. "Ethanol from hydrolyzed whey permeate using Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a membrane recycle bioreactor." Bioprocess Engineering. 5: 57-61 (1990)
- Mehaia,M.A. and Cheryan,M. "Fermentation of date extracts to ethanol and vinegar in batch and continuous membrane reactors." Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 13: 257-261 (1991).
- (C) Cheryan, M. and Escobar, J. "Improving ethanol production by membrane technology: The continuous saccharification reactor." Proceedings, First Biomass Conference of the Americas, Volume II, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO. 1993. pp.1068-1077.
- (C) Cheryan, M. and Parekh, S.R. "Separation of glycerol and organic acids in model ethanol stillage by electrodialysis and precipitation". Process Biochemistry 30:17-23 (1995)
- (C) Cheryan,M. and Bogush,G.H. "Processing ethanol fermentation broths and stillage with ceramic membranes." Proceedings, 3rd International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, Y.Y.Ma (ed.), Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, MA. (1995). pp. 147-155.
- (C) Escobar,J.M., Rane,K.D. and Cheryan,M. "Continuous ethanol fermentation in a membrane bioreactor. Pilot plant trials in a corn wet mill." Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol. 91-93: 283-296 (2001).
See Fermentation/Bioreactors section for more papers on ethanol marked (E) |
- Cheryan, Munir. "Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Handbook", Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, FL. 1998. 527 p.
Note: Originally published by Technomic's Book Division, which was purchased by CRC Press (July 2001), and now published by Taylor and Francis (https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/ultrafiltration-microfiltration-handbook-munir-cheryan/10.1201/9781482278743?context=ubx&refId=a3c1618a-f49a-4753-b768-fdbc615244dc).
- Handbook Updates--Typos, corrections, explanations
- Cheryan, Munir. "Ultrafiltration Handbook", Technomic Publishing Co., Lancaster, PA. 1986. 369 p.
- Cheryan, Munir. "Handbuch Ultrafiltration", (German translation by Christiane Sprinz), Behr's Verlag GmbH, Hamburg, Germany. 1990.

- MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY -- Reviews and overviews
- Cheryan, M. "Membrane Processing". In McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, 1985 edition : p.182-184; 1992 edition : p.158-160. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
- Cheryan, M. "Filtration". In McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 6th edition. 7:255-257 (1987)
- Cheryan, M. "Membranes in bioprocessing." In Advances in Reverse Osmosis and Ultrafiltration, edited by T.Matsuura and S.Sourirajan, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa. 1989. p. 443-466.
- Cheryan, M. "Membrane separations: mechanisms and models". In Food Properties and Computer-Aided Engineering of Food Processing Systems, edited by R.P.Singh and A.G.Medina, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 1989. p.367-392.
- Cheryan, M. "Membrane technology in food processing: An overview of the state-of-the-art." In Trends in Food Processing, Vol I. Membrane Filtration Technology and Thermal Processing and Quality of Foods, edited by A.H.Ghee, L.C.Kuan, C.Tan and S.Chang, Singapore Inst. Food Sci. Technol. 1989. p.3-9.
- Cheryan, M. and Saeed, M. "Ultrafiltration method of studying binding of ligands to macromolecules." J. Food Biochem. 13:289-316 (1989)
- Cheryan,M. "Membrane processes and their commercial applications." In Trends in Food Science and Technology, edited by M.R.R.Rao, N.Chandrasekhara and K.A.Ranganath. Assoc.Food Scientists and Technologists, Mysore, India. 1989. p. 16-25.
- Cheryan,M. "Membranes in food processing." In Effective Industrial Membrane Processes: Benefits and Opportunities, edited by M.K.Turner,Elsevier, London,UK. 1991. p. 157-180.
- Cheryan,M. "Reverse osmosis in food processing." Indian Food Industry. 10(6): 30-37 (1991).
- Cheryan,M. and Nichols, D.J. "Modelling of membrane processes." In Mathematical Modelling of Food Processes, edited by S.Thorne, Elsevier, London, UK. 1992. p.49-98.
- Cheryan,M. "Ultrafiltration in bioprocessing." In Downstream Processing in Biotechnology, edited by R.N.Mukherjea, Tata-McGraw-Hill Publ. Co. Ltd., New Delhi, India. 1992. pp. 75-97.
- Cheryan,M. "Membrane technology in food and bioprocessing." In Advances in Food Engineering, edited by R.P.Singh and M.A.Wirakartakusumah, CRC Press, Boca Raton,FL. 1992. p. 165-180.
- Cheryan, M. "Concentration of liquid foods by reverse osmosis." In Handbook of Food Engineering, edited by D.B.Lund and D.R.Heldman, Marcel-Dekker, NY. 1992. p.393-436.
- Cheryan, M. and Alvarez, J. "Membranes in food processing." In Membrane Separations Technology. Principles and Applications. Edited by R.D.Noble and S.A.Stern, Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1995. pp. 415-465.
- Wang, L.K. and Cheryan, M. "Application of membrane technology in food indusry for cleaner production". Water Treatment (Beijing) 10: 283-298 (1995)
- Raman, L.P., Cheryan, M. and Rajagopalan, N. "Consider nanofiltration for membrane separations." Chemical Engineering Progress. 90 (3): 68-74 (1994). Also in Practical Engineering Perspectives: Distillation and Other Industrial Separations, edited by G.F.Nalven. Amer. Inst. Chem.Engrs., New York.1997. pp. 202-208.
- Cheryan, M. and Rajagopalan, N. "Membrane treatment of oily streams. Wastewater treatment and waste reduction." J. Membrane Sci. 151: 15-38 (1998).
- Cheryan, M. "Membrane Processing". Wiley Encylcopedia of Food Science and Technology, 2nd edition. Edited by F.Francis. John Wiley, West Sussex, UK. 1999. pp. 1627-1628.
- Cheryan, M. "Food technology. Membrane separations." Encyclopedia of Separation Science. Edited by I.D. Wilson, E.R.Adlard, M.Cooke and C.F.Poole. Academic Press, NY. 2000. p. 2849-2855
- Cheryan, M. "Ultrafiltration." Encyclopedia of Separation Science. Edited by I.D. Wilson, E.R.Adlard, M.Cooke and C.F.Poole. Academic Press, NY. 2000. p. 1797-1802.
- Cheryan,M. “Membrane concentration systems.” Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food and Biological Engineering. Edited by D.R.Heldman. Marcel Dekker. NY. (2003) p. 598-601.
- Kale, A.V. and Cheryan, M. “Membranes, chromatography and membrane chromatography.” Applied Membrane Science & Technology. 1: 59-86 (2005).
- Cheryan, M. “Membrane concentration of liquid foods”. In Handbook of Food Engineering, 2nd edition, edited by D.R.Heldman and D.B.Lund, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2007. p.553-600.
- Shukla, R. and Cheryan,M. "Performance of ultrafiltration membranes in ethanol-water solutions: Effect of membrane conditioning". J.Membrane Sci. 198: 75-85 (2002).
- Shukla, R. and Cheryan,M. "Stability and performance of ultrafiltration membranes in aqueous ethanol." Sep. Sci. Technol. 38: 1533-1547 (2003).
- Tsui, E.M. And Cheryan,M. “Characteristics of nanofiltration membranes in aqueous ethanol.” J. Membrane Sci. 237: 61-69 (2004).
- Kwiatkowski, J.R. and Cheryan, M. "Performance of nanofiltration membranes in ethanol”. Sep. Sci. Technol. 40: 2651-2662 (2005)
- Darnoko, D. and Cheryan, M. "Carotenoids from red palm methyl esters by nanofiltration." JAOCS. 83: 365-370 (2006)
- See (OS) marked publications in the Vegetable Oil Processing and Corn Refining sections for more papers on organic solvent processing with membranes
- Cheryan, M. Chapter 7 in Ultrafiltration and Microfiltration Handbook.
- Rajagopalan,N. and Cheryan,M. "Process optimization in ultrafiltration. Flux-time considerations in the purification of macromolecules." Chem. Engr. Communications. 106: 57-69 (1991).
- Asbi,B.A., and Cheryan,M. "Optimizing process time for ultrafiltration and diafiltration". Desalination. 86: 49-62 (1992).
- Singh, N. and Cheryan, M. "Process design and economic analysis of a ceramic membrane system for microfiltration of corn starch hydrolysate." J. Food Engr. 37: 57-67 (1998).
- Krishna Kumar, N.S., Cheryan, M. and Yea, M.K. “Ultrafiltration of soy protein concentrate: Performance and modelling of spiral wound and tubular polymeric modules”. J.Membrane Sci. 244: 235-242 (2004).
- Rajagopalan, N, Cheryan, M. and Matsuura,T. "Recovery of diacetyl by pervaporation". Biotechnol.Techniques. 8 : 869-872 (1994
- Rajagoplan, N. and Cheryan, M. "Pervaporation of grape juice aroma." J.Membrane Sci. 104 : 243-250 (1995)
- Yen, Y.H. and Cheryan, M. Electrodialysis of model lactic acid solutions. J. Food Engineering. 20: 267-282 (1993)
- (D) Yen,Y.H. and Cheryan,M. Separation of lactic acid from whey permeate fermentation broth by electrodialysis. Trans.Inst.Chemical Engrs.(UK). 69(Part C): 200-205 (1991).
- (E) Cheryan, M. and Parekh, S.R. Separation of glycerol and organic acids in model ethanol stillage by electrodialysis and precipitation. Process Biochemistry 30:17-23 (1995)
- Chukwu, U. and Cheryan, M. Concentration of vinegar by electrodialysis. J. Food Science 61:1223-1226 (1996)
- Chukwu, U. and Cheryan, M. Electrodialysis of acetate fermentation broths. Applied Biochem. Biotechnol. 77-79:485-499 (1999)
- Bailly,M., Roux-de Balmann,H., Aimar,P., Lutin,F. and Cheryan,M. Production processes of fermented organic acids targeted around membrane operations: Design of the concentration step by conventional electrodialysis. J.Membrane Sci. 191:129-142 (2001)